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What Can You Drink on a Gluten-free Diet?

In a couple of weeks, we will be heading into the holiday season, which means dinners galore. Your first big test will be Thanksgiving. If you live a gluten free lifestyle, you know that Thanksgiving can be difficult. Sure you can eat turkey, but stuffing is obviously out. So are dinner rolls and pumpkin pie.

If you are unsure of what you can eat and need some good gluten free recipes, we highly encourage you to read up on health and nutrition articles, which offer a number of ideas and tips to make sure you don't inflame your Celiac Disease or IBS.

But what about alcohol? If you are like me, there's no way you are going to be able to deal with the extended family without alcohol. As someone who is trying to live more healthily myself, I spent some time a few years back trying to figure out what I could drink that will not affect my diet or affect it as little as possible.

Now, you probably know this already but we just have to mention it once again, you should not drink alcohol in excess. Alcohol is a poison in any form, and it affects every part of your body. If you have even woken up with a hangover, you know that alcohol is not something that should enter your body in excess. However, in moderation, there are some health benefits.

For someone with Celiac Disease or someone who just wants to limit their gluten. You do have to pay attention to what you are drinking. In general, beer is a no-no. There are some gluten free options, but the majority of beers you drink will be made of barley, wheat, and hops. These all have gluten in them.

Instead, if you are looking for something you can get in a six pack, try cider as cider is made of apples, which are gluten free. Wine is fine too. As are liquors. There is a misnomer out there that some liquors aren't gluten-free because they are made from rye and other ingredients. This couldn't be farther from the truth for any liquors that are distilled.

Happy Gluten-free Drinking This Holiday Season!

Health and Nutrition Articles

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